Fun with Portals

Niantic’s “Ingress” augmented reality game is a classic spy vs spy, humans vs. aliens game of capture the flag. Territorial control to dominate portal ownership and mind control fields help balance the playing field by annoying your enemies and preventing other players from substantially fielding under you.

Which side will you choose?

The Enlightened – defenders of the faith of Roland Jarvis and seek to leverage the power of Exotic Matter to progress mankind along its evolutionary path through art, music, science and education. The Enlightened believe they are the representatives of the Shapers.

The Resistance – also known as “HUMANS” in const PLAYER_TYPE speak – believe that Shapers seek to dominate human kind and seek to protect and study Exotic Matter so that humans might be free and able to evolve on their own. Naturally, the Resistance’s great great great grand-aliens are the N’zeer – whom we figure are just distant cousins from a time long ago, in a galaxy far, far away.

Colloquial Terminology

Ingress colloquial folklore may vary from locale to locale.

  • frog – an enlightened agent
  • tad pole – a junior junior agent
  • smurf – a smurf
  • smurfling – a smaller smurf
  • dfc – dirty filthy casual, dirty filthy cheater, dirty filthy colonial, others..
  • dfd – didn’t follow directions
  • flip – to virus a portal and ‘flip’ its orientation
  • pineapple – a call for pizza!
  • vouch – not to be confused with vetting
  • pikachu – a rude gesture made towards an xm portal

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Links to useful informations

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